Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Vologda, Russia and more..

I know that it has been a while since I wrote in this blog, however, things have been hectic since the start of the new year. We had a lot of big games and traveled frequently over the past two weeks, and now I finally have the chance to sit down and write something!

We played Vologda, Russia in the second round of the FIBA European Cup. Two games were played, the first one was at home and the second was away. The total score from both games is used to determine a winner to go to the next round. We won the first game at home by 4 and then lost on the road, let´s just say much more. It was a tough one to take because it was close until the fourth quarter and then we ran out of gas.

I will not blame it solely on the travel, however, it played a big factor! Let me talk about the trip.. We left last last Tuesday, the 16th, which happened to be my birthday!!! :) We drove 45 mintues from Dorsten to Dusseldorf for our flight. The flight from Dusseldorf to Moscow was approximately 3.5 hours, and then a 2-hour time change. Then, we had lug around our luggage through the airport, on a subway, through a train to get to the ``overnight train``. Instead of taking a connecting flight from Moscow to an airport near Vologda, which would have be most sensible, we took the CHEAPEST route and took this overnight train. Absolutely, brutal. Four people try to sleep in bunk beds in a cabin. Let´s just say it is not really possible to sleep on the train: too loud and too uncomfortable. We arrived in Vologda on Wednesday at 6am. Then, we had to do a similar trip on the way home. So, as you can see, I am not blaming the loss on the trip, however, it probably played a factor.

I am glad that I had the opportunity to see something in Russia. It was definately cold, but nice to see snow. We have not had snow even once here in Dorsten. It was very interesting to walk through the streets of Vologda and see how these people live. The Russian churches are very unique and there many even in this small town. I bought some typical Russian dolls and of course vodka. (You can´t go to Russia and not bring back their home-grown vodka!! ;)

We returned to Dorsten on Friday and had one day to recover before making the trip to Wasserburg. Luckily, we were able to fly! (Normally it is about an 8 hour trip by bus to Wasserburg!) Surprisingly, we played really well and won to keep sole possession of first place! It was really exciting and I am so proud of my team. Up to this point, I had never seen that kind of play from us! I hope that we can keep it going!

Now things cool down a little because we are out of the European Cup. Now, we only have one game a week, on the weekends in the German league. My father comes February 4th and it will be wonderful to have him here! Until next time...


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