Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Viterbo, Italy

It has been a loooong time since I wrote in this thing! So, I figured that I should get back into it since the season has started and to keep those who are interested updated on what's going on! We got our first win yesterday and it was a great feeling! ...especially to break the ice, I guess you can say. Now we are 1-1 and ready to keep giong :) Other things.. I really like it here so far. Not only the basketball, but the girls on the team are seriously a great group and the club tries to be as helpful as possible. Also, the location of Viterbo is perfect. We are right in the middle of Italy, which is so close to beautfiul area of Tuscany and then of course wonderful Rome. Before the season started last weekend, Tobi and I had the chance to drive to Florence for a short 2-day trip. On the way home, we got off the highway and explored the small towns, rolling hillsides and vineyards of Tuscany, which made some spectacular views. Also, we stopped in Greve di Chianti for lunch and had a glass of wine. This was extremely pleasing for me, being that Chianti is one of my favorite wines!! :) This past week, we took a day trip to the tiny town of Bomarzo, where there is the most amazing park of large stone artwork in the earth and hillsides. Also, we stopped in Bagnia, which has old palace that was used as a retreat for the popes, with beautiful fountains and gardens. The best thing about living in Italy is getting the insider tips from the locals and chance to explore the small towns, where there are NO TOURISTS! ;) The weather has been very warm, however, there is a feeling of autumn in the air and the leaves have changed color. Hopefully, I can get 1 or 2 more day trips in before the winter comes! I really want to visit the small town of Orvieto in Umbria and look arond lake Bolseno, which is slightly north. We have more games this week, and then I will check back in next week! :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Summer in Williamstown 2007

As they say, there is no place like home... which I find to be very true for me as I get older. Don't get me wrong, I love my current life of travel and living out of a suitecase year-round. However, it is absolutely wonderful when I have the chance in the off-season to visit with my Dad and brother in good old Jersey. I get to spend time in the house and town that I grew up in, as well as visit with family and some old friends. Priceless.

For those of you who are not familiar with where I am from... I live in a small town called Williamstown, which lies between Philadelphia and Atlantic City, in South Jersey. (3 hours south of New York) Williamstown is approximately 30 minutes from the city of Philadelphia and only 1 hour from the beach, making it an ideal location for someone like me who loves both. A little tid-bit: Williamstown was formally Squankum and was originally established by the Lenni-Lenape Indians. They named this area Squankum, which means "place where the evil spirits meet." These evil spirits are believed to have been mosquitoes. The name Squankum was later changed because another settlement had the same name.

The most important task for me this summer is to prepare for next season. Along with my weight training and conditioning program, I will play in the Philadelphia summer league, which begins next week. On off days, I plan on heading down to the beach for summer fun. Also, I am working the Philadelphia 76ers basketball camp in the Pocono Mountains the week of July 1st. I am excited and honored to work for such a great organization.

Until next time...

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


The summer is here and I will be back in the states next Wednesday, June 6th... It is definately time, I am ready to go. I know that this summer will be wonderful and I am relieved to have no stress of wondering where I will be playing next year. That is the benefit of signing early. I was blessed and all of that stuff was handled in May this year. In September, I will be headed to Viterbo, Italy. Getting the chance to play in Italy is definately a dream come true. I have wanted this, since coming to Europe 5 years ago when I began my European professional career. I love the Italian culture, especially the food and will get a chance to live there and experience something different than just traveling through.

Viterbo is approximately 80 kilometers north of Rome. Tobi and I were in Rome at the end of May for 4 days. (We had planned the trip back in February and how ironic it is that I will play so close to there next year.) The trip was amazing. Rome is now my favorite city in Europe, and Paris falls to #2 on my list. In Rome, there is so much history, with so much to see, and now I understand why it is best to go back more than once. Also, we had the chance to see the Pope up close and listened to him give a speech to travelers in about 6 languages at the Vatican. When he drove by me, while he was driving through and greeting the crowd, he glowed. This moment was something extraordinary for me and brought tears to my eyes. I had experienced a once in a lifetime event and saw this special person so close. Unbelievable and absolutely amazing. He blessed us and until this day, I still have that feeling inside me.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


I am proud to say that we finished the regular season in 1st place! Now the exciting journey in the playoffs begin! And the challenge of bringing home the title starts on Friday, March 30th at home against Schwabing. In this quarterfinal, we must win 2 out of 3 games to move to the semifinal. I can´t wait!

We are set to fly back to the U.S. on June 6th, but before that takes place, Tobi and I are taking a trip to Rome, Italy. It is on my ``places to see`` list in Europe and it will be cool to finally explore around the ancient city. For the most of May, I will be spending time with Tobi and his family in Rosenheim, Germany.

I hope to have a chance to write in this blog more often, especially throughout the playoffs, to share my thoughts and experiences. Machts gut.. Auf Wiedersehen.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Vologda, Russia and more..

I know that it has been a while since I wrote in this blog, however, things have been hectic since the start of the new year. We had a lot of big games and traveled frequently over the past two weeks, and now I finally have the chance to sit down and write something!

We played Vologda, Russia in the second round of the FIBA European Cup. Two games were played, the first one was at home and the second was away. The total score from both games is used to determine a winner to go to the next round. We won the first game at home by 4 and then lost on the road, let´s just say much more. It was a tough one to take because it was close until the fourth quarter and then we ran out of gas.

I will not blame it solely on the travel, however, it played a big factor! Let me talk about the trip.. We left last last Tuesday, the 16th, which happened to be my birthday!!! :) We drove 45 mintues from Dorsten to Dusseldorf for our flight. The flight from Dusseldorf to Moscow was approximately 3.5 hours, and then a 2-hour time change. Then, we had lug around our luggage through the airport, on a subway, through a train to get to the ``overnight train``. Instead of taking a connecting flight from Moscow to an airport near Vologda, which would have be most sensible, we took the CHEAPEST route and took this overnight train. Absolutely, brutal. Four people try to sleep in bunk beds in a cabin. Let´s just say it is not really possible to sleep on the train: too loud and too uncomfortable. We arrived in Vologda on Wednesday at 6am. Then, we had to do a similar trip on the way home. So, as you can see, I am not blaming the loss on the trip, however, it probably played a factor.

I am glad that I had the opportunity to see something in Russia. It was definately cold, but nice to see snow. We have not had snow even once here in Dorsten. It was very interesting to walk through the streets of Vologda and see how these people live. The Russian churches are very unique and there many even in this small town. I bought some typical Russian dolls and of course vodka. (You can´t go to Russia and not bring back their home-grown vodka!! ;)

We returned to Dorsten on Friday and had one day to recover before making the trip to Wasserburg. Luckily, we were able to fly! (Normally it is about an 8 hour trip by bus to Wasserburg!) Surprisingly, we played really well and won to keep sole possession of first place! It was really exciting and I am so proud of my team. Up to this point, I had never seen that kind of play from us! I hope that we can keep it going!

Now things cool down a little because we are out of the European Cup. Now, we only have one game a week, on the weekends in the German league. My father comes February 4th and it will be wonderful to have him here! Until next time...

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Home in Jersey

It has been absolutely wonderful to be home with my family and Tobi in New Jersey. Even though there was not any snow this year, it was such a perfect Christmas. We had the chance to visit a lot of the family and many friends. On the 23rd, Tobi and I took my Dad and brother up to New York for the day. We went to see the Rockefeller Christmas tree and also ice skate in front of the tree. The wait was about an hour and a half to get on the rink, but it was worth it! Afterwards, we stopped in the St. Patrick's Cathedral before heading home. There is no other place like Christmas in New York and being there really gets you in the holiday spirit. The past two weeks have gone so fast. Before I know it, it will be New Year's Eve and we will be back on a plane heading to Germany. This long awaited break has gone too fast! However, I am excited for the second half of the season and the chance to make a run for the championship!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Trip to Priolo, Italy

What a crazy trip! First, our flight in Cologne was delayed for a few hours and then, redirected from Catania to Palermo due to the "active volcano" in Catania!!!! That put us about 3 hours away from our destination of Priolo. We got in the hotel at 2am! As you can see, it was not the ideal day before a game.

We stayed in a small city outside of Priolo and it was on the coast. The coastline was absolutely beautiful!!! ..and the water was clear blue-green. We had the chance to walk around for a few hours the morning before the game. (At first, I had not wanted to go because I was so tired, however, afterwards I was really glad that it was mandatory.) I wish that my camara had its battery chip charged.

We had shooting practice in the afternoon and then lunch. After eating, I went up to my room and crashed in my bed until the game. When the alarm went off, I thought to myself, how am I going to play this game. I put myself in the shower, and had a red bull. I felt pretty good after that and was somehow ready to go.

The game was intense and physical, but everyone on our team definately showed up to play and we pulled off an amazing win! The 62-49 win over the Italian team shows how far we have come from our loss at home to them! Definately a game to remember..

Tomorrow morning we have a German game versus Leipzig. Next Tuesday, we go to Lille, France for the last FIBA Euro Cup game in the first round. I hope that we are able to play well against them, because every point counts in getting to the next round in January.

Also, for this week, e have a German cup game on Friday at home and our last game for the year on Saturday in Berlin. Then, it is Christmas break! Yay! Tobi and I are flying home on Monday, December 18th, to New Jersey to spend Christmas with my family. We will be there until December 31st.

Hopefully, we will get a chance to check out the Munster Christmas market before I leave for break. I love German Christmas markets, but we have had no time to check some of them out in the area. There is nothing like walking around a Christmas market, taking in the Christmas spirit and having a Gluwein to keep warm!

Until next time...